Integrated Monitoring System (IMS)

Integrated Monitoring System (IMS) – a simple powerful tool to monitor critical infrastructure 24/7, equipped with alert generation capabilities.

In the dynamic landscape of modern infrastructure management, the need for a robust monitoring solution has never been more critical. Enter the Integrated Monitoring System (IMS) – a simple yet powerful tool designed to monitor critical infrastructure 24/7, equipped with alert generation capabilities. This article explores the features of IMS and the substantial benefits it offers to customers seeking efficient, centralized monitoring solutions.

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  • Features
  1. Centralized Dashboard for Single and Multiple Locations: Experience the convenience of a unified platform that manages data across all your sites.
  2. Real-Time Data and Alert Generation: Stay updated with instant notifications and incident reports.
  3. Broad Protocol Compatibility: Supports all IP and non-IP protocols, including Modbus, BACnet IP, TCP/IP, and SNMP.
  4. Customizable Reports and Trend Analysis: Schedule reports and analyze trends to optimize performance.
  5. Comprehensive Asset Management: Streamline asset tracking and maintenance for enhanced efficiency.
  6. Hierarchical Control: Implement structured access and control to manage operations effectively.
  7. Software License: software license at no cost for your initial building
  8. Scalability: IMS provides flexibility with support for up to 2000 data points at the gateway, accommodating the growing needs of businesses.
  9. Protocol Support: With the capability to handle up to 1000 data points of Modbus/SNMP and up to 60 devices of Modbus, IMS caters to a diverse range of devices and systems, making it a versatile and comprehensive monitoring solution.